Monday, April 03, 2006

What's up?

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I know it gets said a lot, but I was very busy last week so the blog kind of got pushed back into the corner. I finished most of my homework early tonight, so I thought I might break the silence with a quick post.

-The official name, as many of you may know by now, is "The Dilemma", as nominated by the brilliant Troy Woodyard. Had Jason nominated "My Liege" just a bit earlier, it would have been my selection, but alas I had already turned the team in when he posted his suggestion.

-I had a great weekend.

-Tomorrow is the day that Sanctus Real releases their new album The Face of Love. I look forward to it.

-I won't be watching tonights game, mostly becasue I don't care that much.

- #1 Mistake I Made Today: Wearing shorts to school. The wind was blowing about 50 mph today, and it was about 50 degrees with no sun out.

- #2 Mistake I Made Today: Doing the wrong peer review for English class. Oops.

- #1 Thing I Did Right Today: Went to the Student Center for lunch at the same time as Chandler and Kelli. The result: a free meal on Kelli's meal card (and good conversation with the two of them I might add). Thanks best friend.

- #2 Thing I Did Right Today: Got my homework for Wednesday finished. Solid.

-Troy Woodyard Quote of the Week:
-Person A: (to Travis Claypool) Hey Travis, where are you from?
-Travis: Hallsville.
-Person A: Hmmmm, who do I know from Hallsville?
-Troy: (to Person A) Travis.

-Tommorrow night's SVU looks to be even more stellar than usual. It has to be better than lasy weeks performance by Ludacris.

I hope you are all doing well, let's all try to behave ourselves this week.


At 4/06/2006 06:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im gettin so HYPED!! The Dilemma take the pitch on Wednesday night at 9pm for their season opener... It should be an automatic "W"!


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