Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lessons From Tapp

So today in English the big topic of discussion was "Is all love selfish? Can we love unselfishly? What is real love?". A good topic to discuss. I thought about giving my two cents worth of opinion today in class, but someone else stole my thunder and I didn't want to repeat it. But upon giving those questions some thought, a classic Justin Tapp quote came to my mind. We were discussing Tapp's impending marriage, what it is to love, can you choose to love anyone, etc. I don't even know if Tapp remembers saying this, but here's the comment he made (or at least the general idea) :

  • "Love is like this: your lying on your couch after a hard days work, getting ready to watch the UK basketball game. Your wife enters the room, sits right up next to you and says "Let's watch Extreme Home Makeover". Now, you have been planning on watching this game for several days, and you really want to watch it. But you value your wife's wishes over your own, so you don't argue or complain about it. You just say "Okay, let's watch it", flip the channel over and watch Extreme Home Makeover together. That's the way I look at it.

Tapp may have said some crazy stuff, but this is one topic where he is right on the money. I even almost used this quote in class today. For some reason it has stuck with me ever since he said it.

Tapp's example may seem like a small thing, but even the little things matter. So I say thank you Tapp, I think we have all learned a very valuable lesson today.


At 3/01/2006 03:43:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just wanted to post a little note and thank you, wes, for making an example out of my dear husband. loving that way doesn't come easy to anybody, including him, but he has the dearest most willing heart, which is what really matters. as imperfect humans, all we can do is try with all our hearts to love sacrifically, as God does. we fail a lot of the time, but God recognizes the willingness of our hearts, and that's what we should appreciate about each other, too. for me, love means never even THINKING about asking my precious husband to not watch a uk basketball game. (i don't have any qualms, though, about asking him to change the channel when he's watching something on pbs about the civil war... and he's so wonderful that he does most of the time!) :) so i guess to sum it up, love means sacrificing what would bring you the greatest joy in order to provide the one you love with his greatest joy. in doing so, you find out that his greatest joy is, in fact, your own.

At 3/01/2006 04:13:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up...first it was talking about the song YOU want played at your its blogs about love....whats next?

At 3/01/2006 04:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that quote was quality

At 3/01/2006 08:17:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

Hmmm... for me, love seems to always end up meaning restraining orders and feelings of rejection.

At 3/02/2006 09:56:00 AM, Blogger JTapp said...

Don't worry Dave, we've all been there. Practice makes perfect. :-)

At 3/02/2006 03:04:00 PM, Blogger Jon Canler said...

I think Mrs. Tapp hit it right on the head, and I think of Christ. Christ gave up Himself to bring the ones He loves, us, with that which would bring us our greatest joy, which is knowing Him. In doing so, we find that our greatest joy is the same as Christ's greatest joy: knowing God and bringing Him glory. That is love, and it is rooted in sacrifice.


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