Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Thanksgiving Dilemma

Well I just finished an exam on personality and personality assessment. It was an interesting topic of study, becuase personality is a very abstract subject and it is hard to define, measure, and assess. Basically the popular belief today is that personality is the combination of a variety of biological, social, and environmental factors. In many ways we have a certain genetic "tempermant" that allows us to respond a certain way in various situations, but by no means limits expression. To get a good measure of ones personality, you must look at all the factors that affect a person's life. But that's not what you came to here about right? Right.

What I Know: A lot of people in Christian cirlces today want to look at the field of psychology as a total disregard for God's involvement in our lives.

What I Think: I think it is a crying shame that so many say this. Psychology, when looked at correctly, is not about replacing God with science. Now there are many out there in the field of psychology studying the subject without taking God into account. But if you study psychology while taking God into account you will look at it with a whole new perspective. Let's look at personality, for example. There is the ongoing "nature vs. nurture" debate: do our genes determine who we are, or do outside influences? There are holes in both sides of the argument. But when you add God into the equation, he fills those holes, and it all makes sense. God makes us who we are, a unique person with a specific genetic make-up: "nature" as some would call it. Yet we are still flawed by sin from birth. This our personality, who we are, how we behave, and it can vary due to environmental and social influences. Of course God can change out personality through a relationship with Him. When you step back and look at how God is in control of all, and how He uses certain events, people, situations ("nurture") you begin to see that it all makes sense. But the pyschologist who doesn't account for God does not see this: he/she only sees genetics and social influence, and so he/she cannot explain these thngs. The best they can do is to say that both play a part, but there is a missing link between the two. That link is God, but many fail to recognize it.

What I Know: I gave out candy to trick or treaters at my house last night.

What I Think: Costumes are a lot cooler now than when I was a kid. Or at least more original. Many kids liked to mix and match their costumes, using certain pieces from each one to create the ultimate Halloween costume, which ends up looking pretty rediculous. But in their minds it it the greatest costume ever. And that's all that really matters.

What I Know: Yesterday I bought the new album from Michael Bublé entitled It's Time.

What I Think: When you finish reading this post, put your jacket on, get in your car, and drive to Best Buy and pick this CD up, because it might possibly be the best CD all year. If you like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, or any of the Rat Pack guys, you'll love Michael Bublé.

What I Know: With Halloween come and gone, it is now time for us to turn our attention to Thanksgiving.

What I Think: Well I have two options from Thanksgiving this year:

Option #1: Thanksgiving with Jerry's family in Louisville, where the following will take place:
- I will get good eats.
-I will get to see dear and beloved family members that I don't get to see often.
-Several relatives will comment on how much I look like Jerry.
-Several relatives will say how tall I look, and ask how much I have grown, and I will have to explain that I actaully stopped growing senior year of high school, and I am no taller now than the last time they saw me.
-My uncle will ask me if I have a girlfriend.
-Several relatives will ask me what my major in college is.
-Some will ask why I am a UK fan and not a UL fan.

Option #2: Thanksgiving with Mindy's family here in LexVegas, where the following will take place:
- I will get good eats.
-I will get to see many more dear and beloved family members that I don't get to see often.
-Several relatives will comment on how much I look like Mindy.
-Again, I will have to explain that I am the same height and that I haven't grown since last Thanksgiving.
-My little 7 year-old cousin Robby will run around saying things that don't make sense, thus keeping everyone amused.
-Several relatives will again ask me about college.

I hope it doesn't sound like I don't like my extended family: I really do. They are good people. I just think it is funny that I can accurately predict what is going to occur each time I visit. So what should I do? That's where Option #3 comes in: hit up both Thanksgivings . That's right, it may cost a little extra gas money, but two dinners is worth it. Here's my plan: drive to Louisville around lunch time, visit with family, eat until I am full, return to Lexington for dinner #2, by which that time I will be hungry again. I want to visit both families, and I want two meals, so this seems like the best choice of action for me. However, I don't think this plan will fly with Mindy and Jerry. They usually pick one or the other, so I may be out of luck.


At 11/01/2005 12:32:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

i would go to the one where the uncle who tells jokes is going to be. i think he was an uncle... the guy who told jokes throughout the visitation for one of your grandfathers at the funeral home.

At 11/01/2005 12:43:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Um, he kind of passed away 2 years ago, so that's not really an option.

At 11/01/2005 07:12:00 PM, Blogger SMITTY said...

wes...I was recently introduced to Buble...you're absolutely right: great album

At 11/01/2005 07:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Michael Buble! He is awesome!

At 11/01/2005 08:17:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

my condolences on the uncle.

At 11/01/2005 11:28:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont care why you come, just get on to The Buy! (i really dont care!), But Buble does have a creamy soft voice that i melt to.

At 11/02/2005 12:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are CORRECT SIR! (regarding john's comment)

At 11/02/2005 06:31:00 PM, Blogger Justin said...

buble is solid...i like the total disregard for people to applaud your for your first point, good job wes you gave an excellent response from a christian worldview...come down to adair county we roll buffet style thanksgiving (3 tables full)


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