Thursday, October 20, 2005

What Cracks Me Up

This is the kind of thing that makes me laugh:

-This morning in class we were talking about infidelity, and how men get more upset over the sexual aspect of it while women get more upset over the emotional attachments that their husband forms with another woman. So the professor puts this stat up on the board:

Survey Results:

Women: 82% more upset over emotional attachment, 18% more upset over sexual aspect.
Men: 60% more upset over sexual aspect, 40% more upset over emotional attachment.

Now whether you agree with these statistics is not the point here. The funny thing is what happened next.

The professor asks if anyone disagrees with this theory, and so some girls say that they think the sex part is worse, and some guys say that the emotional part is worse. So then after 5-10 minutes of discussion this one girl raises her hand and says that she disagrees witht the study because she thinks that women get more upset over the emotional attachments.

Did you see it? Did you catch the gaff? Study says: women get more upset over emotional attachment. Girl says: I disagree with the study, I think women get more upset over emotional attachment. I looked around the room to see if anyone else caught it. The dude next to me was laughing. The professor just kind of looked at her, then kind of changed the subject to avoid humiliating her.

I can't wait for my 3rd statistics class test, where inevitably someone will ask "Will there be math problems on this test? Will we need a caluclator?", even after he told us 10 times that the tests have no math problems. Unbelievable.


At 10/20/2005 12:39:00 PM, Blogger dc said...

i like sex

At 10/20/2005 01:12:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

What sorority is that girl in?

At 10/20/2005 01:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Delta Upsilon Mu

At 10/21/2005 01:09:00 AM, Blogger Justin said...

Tappa Kega Day


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