Monday, June 13, 2005

Flirting Habits

So there is this girl at work who is pretty cute, and since most of the other employees are guys it is only natural that during work hours they flirt with her. Saturday I happened to be working with her and decided that, since I had nothing better to do, I would observe the other guys at AllSports try and hit on her. Really only two guys hit on her all day. But I noticed that he kept doing something that I see a lot of guys doing when they try to flirt: he kept giving the girl high fives. It makes no sense to me. For example, she tried on a hat or something and was asking how it looked, and he responded by giving her a high five. Why is this? My only theory is that guys minds are so limited as to what to say when it comes to the opposite sex that the high five is the best option. I mean, if he says "That hat looks good on you", she thinks he likes him or something. If he says "That hat looks bad on you", she thinks he doesn't like her. So.....the only possible answer that will not give away his feelings or give the wrong impression is the high five (for the record, when she asked me what I thought of the hat, I told her to get a Red Sox hat instead). I see this a lot at church, too, though I will not mention any names of course. As for myself, I am a fan of the low five. That way you don't look as stupid, and hopefully (if, of course, you don't like the girl) you will not give off that flirtatious vibe. Allthough, you can turn the low five into a "low five and hold", which can give a totally different impression. My friend Dave Blake prefers the basic handshake, which is pretty neutral too, I guess. As for the other guy at work who was flirting with her, he was pretty much one and done. He said "Is your shirt felt", to which she replied "No", to which he responded "Do you want it to be?", and then chuckled. She didn't get the joke at first, and he had to explain it to her, which made the whole ordeal a little painful to watch.


At 6/13/2005 07:53:00 PM, Blogger Josh said...

I think awkward flirting is painful to watch in a way I find difficult to articulate, hence why I never watch Katie Couric. My attempts at flirting are far more subtle, but far less effective


Josh: Hey, would you like to get some coffee? I know this cool place down the road that sometimes has a not-so-interesting band playing.

Those That Are They: Sorry, but I'm busy with my studies right now.

Obvious Translation: Let Tori Amos and Oscar Wilde fill your empty spaces and leave me be, you festering dewberry.

At 6/14/2005 12:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a contact thing, the high five(five of anykind, the fist business) is a way to build emotional connections based on touch without having to be the creepy wanker that goes around hugging and touching everybody. Or maybe thats just the way I see it. But I was thought the line was 'Would you like a felt shirt?'

At 6/14/2005 04:58:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

It may be, the guy who used the line is a shmuck, so he may have screwed it up. But I think you are right about the contact thing, I hadn't really thought of that.


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