Tuesday, May 10, 2005


So right now I am over at Chris and Dustin's house and I just checked the weblog for the first time in forever. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised with the amount of fedback I have recieved (except for the the anonymous fool who said that Law & Order sucks). Anyway thanks for the input. Although the decision is not final, I think that in the end Scrubs will win out. John, it is good to hear from you again....I look forward to you coming back to LexVegas (and you are absolutely right, I should do more productive things). Well anyway, I'm all moved out of Troy's house and out to WoFo county. Nothing exciting ever happens out there, but it's all good cause I don't have to pay rent. It's only a 15-20 minute trip, so if anyone wants to come out, give me a ring. We'll try to have a cookout or something when everything settles down.
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well now that school is out (unless you are in high school of course). There are lots of cool things going on this summer; it will be fun. I am still a little drained from finals, moving this weekend, etc., so I don't really have much to talk about. Hopefully some stuff will happen, or I will have a deep thought or something. Until then, let's get pumped for the softball game this week....we play Southland this week. Time for some WebGems!


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