Monday, February 13, 2006

Some Funny Stuff

Chris Smith introduced me to a site called, where you can find various clips from thousands of different TV shows. I must admit, I am addicted to this site. I mostly look up stuff from SNL and Conan O'Brien, but there is plenty more. I thought I would share some of my favorites. (Note: some of these will take a few moments to load, so be patient. They are worth it.)

  • Here is a never-before seen Conan clip of Walker: Texas Ranger.
  • This is a clip of Conan making fun of Star Wars fans. Hilarious!
  • .....and here is Conan making fun of The Lord of the Rings. So funny even Conan can't help laughing!
  • Another Walker clip here.
  • .....and another here.
  • Walker jump-kicks the windshield of a car here.
  • Napoleon Dynamite does the "Top Ten" list on David Letterman here.
  • Letterman catches George W. Bush in a lie here.
  • Hasidic Jew/Reggae artist Matisyahu performs live on Letterman here. I think his stuff is pretty cool.
  • A funny Letterman stunt here.
  • More of Letterman making fun of Bush here.
  • .....and more here
  • Lettermans "Top Ten Favorite George W. Bush Moments" here. John Wiley, watch this!!!!!
  • SNL "Debbie Downer" sketch here. Everyone starts laughing.
  • SNL Donald Trump sketch here.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I did. As I come across more clips I will continue to share.


At 2/14/2006 02:10:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

That first one (Chuck Norris w/Haley Joel Osborn) made me laugh out loud in the computer lab.


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