Monday, August 01, 2005

It's only a month and a half away

Well the new single from Switchfoot's upcoming album Nothing Is Sound was just released. I caught part of it on the radio yestersay, so I looked it up in the internet for the entire song, and I must say I am impressed. It sounds really good, and I look forward to the Sepember 13th release of the new album. Switchfoot is one of the few good Christian bands of the past few years. Some call them sell-outs for going "secular" and getting radio play on such stations as 104.5 and 102.5, but I disagree. How will people hear the message that the band (or any Christian band for that matter) are trying to spread? Lost people don't listen to Christian albums, but they do listen to lyrics. I admire any Christian band who crosses over into the secular arena and continues to play music that glorifies God and points to Him as the answer to the world's needs. If you want to hear the new single it can be found at


At 8/02/2005 05:59:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

stupid company firewall... can't listen to the new single.

At 8/04/2005 06:08:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

i'm visitor 1000! It only took 13 hits of the refresh button to reach this accomplishment. what's my prize?

At 8/04/2005 09:14:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Congratulations Dave, your prize is the satisfaction of knowing that you the only one who cared about being visitor 1000 on a college student's blog.

At 8/05/2005 05:24:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

i'm easily amused! :)


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