Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I was up all night, but it was worth it....

Now I know that the title of this post sounds a bit shady, but I assure you it is not. Yesterday, me and Matt Woodyard went to Heartland Shopping Center after Bible study to get a Hawaiian Shaved Ice. Now, this was my first of the season, and let me say it was a beautiful experience. On my way home, I was thinking about Hawaiian Shaved Ices, and I decided that there are few things better in the world. Whether you prefer cherry, lemon-lime, blue raspberry, or ozark mountain berry (that is my favorite), you can be assured that every time you dip your spoon into that cup of sugary goodness you are experienceing a little bit of heaven. I have no doubt in my mind that God has a Hawaiian Shaved Ice machine in heaven. Day or night (I have even heard of some people eating them for breakfast), there is nothing more satisfying to the appetite.
Of course, as with most good things in this world, there are a few drawbacks to Hawaiian Shaved Ices. First of all, there contain no nutritional value. That is why I have decided to nickname them "Diabetes in a Cup". They also rot your teeth if you don't brush or floss (like Troy "Nightclub" Woodyard). Secondly, they leave your tongue stained for hours. I was spittin' blue for a long time last night. Lastly, they give you a sugar buzz like no other. That is why I was up all night last night.
Yet none of these drawbacks are enough to keep me from enjoying my Hawaiian Shaved Ice. So, if anyone ever gets the urge for one, give me a call, there is a good chance I will join you.

FUTURE POST UPDATE: Matt and I were talking last night about Hawaiin Shaved Ices last night while we were partaking of them, and we decided that they really made their comeback in the summer of 2003. You see, the Summer of 2003 has been a topic of discussion for me, Matt, Jason, and Andy for a while now. So many good (and bad) things happened that summer, which made it the best summer ever. Hawaiian Shaved Ices were jsut a part of it. SO, I have decided that the next post is going to be about the Summer of 2003. I just wanted to let everyone know ahead of time, becasue I know a lot of people who frequent this site were involved in the events of 2003, and if I can get a lot of feedback from them, it will make this post awesome, because I am sure there are many things out there that others remember that I have forgotten.


At 7/16/2005 12:12:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

perhaps the summer of 2003 was not so memorable?


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