Thursday, June 16, 2005

My many names

I was at work the other day, bored as usual, when I got to thinking "Man, I have had a lot of nicknames over the year". What have I been called, you say? Well I'm glad you asked!! Here are past names that I have been given by various people over the years, along with their origins......

-Wes: Simply a shortened form of my real name Wesley. I came up with that one all by myself when I was just a wee boy! I am a freakin genius.
-Wes Cooper, Pooper-Scooper: Started in elementary school, ended for the most part when middle school started. A few thought it would be funny to continue it through high school, but they aren't around anymore, becasue I killed them.
-Coopac: my personal favorite. One time at junior camp we all thought it would be cool to give ourselves rap names that coincided with real rappers. I came up with this one too. (Smitty, Justin, Troy, I know you remember this! I forget what you're names were thought, let me know)
-Westerfield: my fifth-grade teacher use to call me this. One of my favorites.
-Hangin' with Mr. Cooper: from the TV show, obviously.
-Wes(t) side: you can pronounce the "t" if you like. A neighbor gave me this one.
-Ricky Retardo: actually, this was given to another of my friends, but I thought Iwould mention it.
-Coop: origin unknown, my best guess would be Smitty, casue he is creative like that.
-Opie:the only one that really bothers me. It is a well known fact that if you have red hair, you will be called Opie at somepoint in your life. I look nothing like Opie, so do not call me that. Plus, my hair is strawberry blonde, not red.
-Opie Crisp:one time back in high school when making beatbox sounds was cool, I told Dave Campbell that his beats were not crisp like mine. Dave thought it was hilarious, and being one of those people that liked to call me Opie all the time, he simply added crisp to the end and voila!:Opie Crisp was born. (For the record, no one can handle my beats, so get off me)
-That Red-Headed boy: Thanks to Momma Eva (JT's mom for those who don't know) for this one. She could never remember my name, no "that red headed kid" sufficed.
-Pele: I think that one is obvious. ;) Ha!
-Tayshaun: I suck at basketball, so I don't know why people stared calling me that. Oh wait! It was Brandon Sok who started it, and he is a moron. (Just kidding Stick, I love you).
-Rick James: once again, totally fabricated.
-Irish Dream: seems to be a popular choice with the ladies
-Wes-a-lot: Sarah Millican made this one up, though I don't exactly know where she got it from. Another favorite name of mine.
-Snipes: frequently used by Mark Sok
-Coops: the newest name, it came from Dustin Coleman I think.

So there they are, the plethera of names that have been given to me over the years. If there are more that I have forgotten, please remind me and I will add them to the list for sure (no inapprpriate names please. You know who you are.)


At 6/16/2005 11:55:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

don't forget the one i frequently called you the first couple of years i knew you... "Bryce"

At 6/18/2005 02:21:00 AM, Blogger Justin said...

what about the other mark sok names like "habeeb"...there could be a site dedicated completely to "mark sokisms" for they are superflous

At 6/19/2005 01:03:00 PM, Blogger Josh said...

Brent used to call me "the Rev" because I would often launch into a legthy diatribe at the slightest provocation. The only other cool nickname I've ever had is "the Stalker." We don't speak of that, however.

At 6/19/2005 07:26:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6/25/2005 06:56:00 PM, Blogger dc said...

did I reallly come up Opie Crisp? I'm so awesome. B
But you have mistaken my calling you O.P. with the Andy Griffith character Opie. I have only ever called you O.P. which are the initials for Obvious Pimp.

And OP Crisp is therefore referring to the fact that you are very obviously and undeniably the biggest pimp I know and that your beats are the crispest I have ever let my head bob to.


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