Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Cool Site

I found this cool thing on Google the other day. Go to and then click on Satellite in the upper left hand corner. Basically you can find a satellite image of anywhere in the US. In some places, mostly large cities, you can zoom in really close. It is fun to play with, and will keep you entertained for a while when you are bored. Suggested locales: NYC, L.A., Cedar Point, the Rocky Mountains.


At 6/16/2005 10:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FEES shorty, FEES!

At 6/18/2005 06:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still haven't found that stupid Great Wall of China. I don't think it exists.

At 6/18/2005 08:38:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

I found a couple of new things to look at: the Grand Canyon ( northwest of Phoenix,az), Disney World (near Orlando, you can zoom in on the big white sphere at Epcot), Mount Ranier (east of Seattle), Mount Saint Helens (south of Mount Ranier), the Gloden Gate Bridge and Alacatraz (San Francisco bay).


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