Wednesday, April 12, 2006

That's What I'm Talkin' Bout

Well The Dilemma lost their first indoor soccer game tonight, 8-2. We played a pretty good first half, but we just got tired in the second half. But that's ok, we are all a little rusty (and out of shape). We will get our game back. Next game is Wednesday April 19th @ 9 pm again, same place.

Now normally after losing a game I am not in a very pleasant mood, especially when I did not play as well I could have (as was the case this evening). However, after tonight's game I was excited because of the way we conducted ourselves this evening. There were a lot of eyes watching you tonight: your peers, other players, even some high schoolers from our church. And each and every one of you set a stellar example tonight, and for that I am extremely proud. And you even went beyond that. For a long time now Dustin has been stressing how we need to love each other, and not just at church. I was excited to see so many of you doing that tonight, even if it was in small ways. I saw Chandler help a guy up after he fell in front of goal, I heard Austin compliment the goalie for the other team after he made a nice save. That's what I talkin about fellas!!!! Again, these are small things, but people notice them. At least I know I do.

Sure, we are playing soccer for fun. And to win. But as I said earlier after the game, we also play for a greater reason. This is a ministry just like anything else is. This is going out into the world. There were a lot of lost people there tonight, and maybe just one seed was planted because of how you all acted. Again, I am proud and thankful for that.

So tomorrow night we've got a softball game, and the same things apply regardless of whether it is a church league or not. There's bound to be some bad calls this season, there's bound be some jerks on the other teams, and we're bound to get crushed by at least one team. These are the times when our true colors come out. I was once playing basketball at church with some friends One of the players was a person of high religous status, and he was not setting the best example. I asked my friend about it and he said something to the effect "Yeah, well this isn't the real (name). You can't judge him by how he acts on the basketball court." I beg to differ. When we are pressed and stressed to the limit, that's when our true selves manifest themsleves (that's somwhere in the Bible, forgive me for not knowing where).

Let me just say that I am the chief of sinners here, as I know that I like to argue calls, complain when we are losing, or complain about pretty much anything. But that's not how I should be acting. And I find that when I am obedient to God in those areas, I have more fun at the game, even when things aren't going my way.

So as you are playing tomorrow night, do two things: 1) remember who you are representing when you are out on the field, and remember the real reason that we have a softball team and 2) look for ways to love one another, even if it is something small. I promise that two things will happen: 1) God will be pleased with you and 2) you will find that you are having fun even when we are down by 15 runs to the Mormons.


At 4/13/2006 02:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Wes nice blog...I wanted to let you know I played ball for years and the friends of mine who were umps always said they hated umping the church league the most because of the way they acted. Thanks for trying to make an effort in the other direction.

At 4/13/2006 04:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

chandler gave up 8 goals?

At 4/14/2006 12:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes eight goals, get off my back!


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