Tuesday, April 18, 2006

.....and the answers

The answers to your questions:

Woody asks "I am struggling with the issue of Trichotomy, Dichotomy and Psychosomatic Unity....which do you hold to? Can you also help me with the Traducianism and Creationism view's...little confused."
Answer: You can't see me right now, but I am pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

Liz asks "How will I go on if Benson and Stabler are really not partners anymore? "
Answer: How will any of us go on Liz? Stabler and Benson go together like cookies and milk, for them not to be partners anymore would be a travesty. Let us hope and pray that it doesn't come to that.

Justin asks "What came first the chicken or the egg?"
Answer: The chicken came first, and shortly after that came Chik-Fil-A.

Matt asks "Hey Wes, this girls' parents are trying to set my up with their daughter who lives in another country. Is that weird?"
Answer: Two things are wierd here.....1) The girl's parents are trying to hook you up with her. 2) She lives in another country. Here's what I would do Matt: First, find out what country she lives in and why she is there. Secondly, go there and get to know this girl. Three things can happen: a) you get there, she turns out to be a fantastic girl, and you all get married b) you get there, she turns out to be not quite the girl you are looking for, but she lives in Italy or some nice country like that, so you take a nice little vacation while you are over there, or c) you get there, she is not quite the girl you are looking for, and she lives in some place like Norway where it is cold and there is nothing to do. You've got a 2 out of 3 chance.

Kenny asks "How high is up? "
Answer: Hmmm, that's a tough question KB, so I'm going to give the morally relative answer and say that "up" is whatever height you want it to be.

Andy asks "Why do we have two nipples?"
Answer: Andy, didn't we already discuss this? Do I need to tell you again? Ha ha.

Smitty asks "Why do the sterilize the needle for the lethal injection?"
Answer: Another good question, my best guess is that after they reuse the needles on other prisoners who are being treated for illness.

Perhaps Sunday nights will be "Dear Cooperstown" nights from now on. I will ponder it......


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