Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Can Be Happy About UK Basketball Again

A quick post must be made this evening. As you have probably heard by now, Randolph Morris will now be allowed to play as of Jan. 10. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. OK, maybe I can tell you: I am extremely excited about it. My hopes for this season were slowly swirling down the drain until this afternoon, when suddenly that drain got plugged up and shot my hopes right back to me. Morris won't fix all the problems, but he will fix a lot. I look for UK to come out against the 'Ville with a new outlook and a new sense of passion and pride.

One another thing: there have been way too many UK fans saying how Morris' suspension should not be reduced, that they don't want him back, and that UK got a big break. To that I say : WHO CARES!!!!! It's about time UK got a break. My theory is, if Coach K can do his American Express commercials that he insists aren't helping is recruiting (that's a load of crap and he knows it, but I will save that for another post), then I will take all the breaks I can get. Some people are saying that he doesn't deserve to come back so soon. And you're right, he probably doesn't. But you know what? I couldn't care less if he deserves to come back: I want a national championship. And at any cost as long as it is moral and legal. And for those who say they don't want him back I say this: did you even watch the game last Saturday? It speaks for it's self. We need Morris: what he did was shady, but he deserves a second chance just like anyone else would want.

That's all folks. Goodnight and God bless.


At 12/16/2005 10:28:00 AM, Blogger Jon Canler said...

I'm pumped as well. I'm thankful for the mercy the NCAA had on us cause we are desperate, a word that should never be used for UK basketball. I know that if I were in Randolph Morris' place, I'd be thanful, and I would have something to prove. I would bust my butt off on that court to prove my apology is sincere. I would dominate, unlike last year. But, that's just me. I hope he does the same.
One more related thing, but it's theological. Last year, Chase taught us about mercy from 1 Corinthians, and he used an analogy I remember very well. Say there is a guy or girl that never goes to class. He/she never does homework or participates in group work, but he/she is in your group. You, on the other hand, go to class every day. You work your butt off, and you earn your "A". One day, the teacher decides to move the test, and that person is not there, as usual. Knowing that this person doesn't give a rip about school or your group grade that you care dearly about, how do you respond? Do you tell this person nothing because he/she has been a jerk about participating in group work and school in general, or do you have mercy upon this person and tell him/her about the new test date? The Biblical response that Chase pointed out to us was to have mercy upon them and tell them of the test. Be like Christ. That same principle of mercy applies to Morris. Have mercy on him. He made a mistake, not a sin or criminal act, and he has paid his dues. Be thankful that UK basketball can look forward to the rest of the season. Don't hold grudges because he initially rejected UK for money, but be merciful to our "prodigal basketball player" that's all.

At 12/16/2005 01:55:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

Now that he's back I will re-state my mantra:
I will be satisfied with nothing less than a championship.

I hope he's learned his lesson, and learned something about loyalty. UK stuck up for him, and put themselves on the line. They treated him with far more respect than he gave Tubby with his faxed goodbye.
Just like Tubby kept Gerald Fitch on the team, and Fitch played his heart out for him because of it, may Morris do the same.

At 12/16/2005 03:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for your blog. I never comment, but I always enjoy reading and have recommended it to several friends! Keep up the good work!

At 12/16/2005 05:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be pretty good, if he didn't talk about UK basketball all the time.

At 12/16/2005 10:19:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Wiley- I thought about that last comment as well. But the way I look at it is that other schools will complain because they fear Kentucky. They know that we know how to win. It will be interesting to heat what Digger Phelps has to say about this whole thing; I bet he is squirming around in his chair as we speak.

Canler- I remember that example that Chase gave very vividly. Good stuff.

Tapp- My mantra would be similar, but I would say I accept nothing less than a Final Four. Next year, if everyone stays, I will accept nothing less than a championship.

Kristy- I am always happy when a new reader let's me know that they enjoy the blog! Especially when they give their real name and not anonimity. Thanks for the support.

Askew- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words wil never hurt me.


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