Thursday, December 08, 2005

PC: Politically Comprimising

The blog, it calls to me when I least expect it....alas, I cannot resist the temptation to write and share with the world. I confess, I am defenseless against it's lure. And so now, on the eve of what appears to be a decent snowstorm (although I have my doubts), I spill my mind:

-Every day I drive from Adena Trace in Wofo County, along the bypass to the BG Parkway, then to Versailles road and on into town. Every day I pass hundreds of different cars. And every day I pass thehouses, same buildings, same landmarks. But there is one particular piece of scenery that sticks out like a sore thumb among the rest of modern civilization. Yes, that sight that I speak of is the infamous "Castle of Versailles", or as it should be known, the castle Versailles Road. I remember as a young lad when I would every once in a while get to catch a glimpse of that famous landmark from the safety of the backseat of my car. My friends and I always talked about how it would be fun to have a birthday party there sometime, where we could play hide-and-go-seek all night long or pretend to siege the castle. But it was all talk, and our dreans were never realized. The castle remained a mystery to all; no one ever went in, and no one ever came out. I guess over the years the novelty and mystique that surrounded the Castle has faded away as I have grown older. You see it so many times and it gets old.

Well that changed today. I was driving to school today, and as I passed by, I thought to myself "There's a friggin castle in the middle of Kentucky. Right across from a Super America. How rediculous is that?". I mean seriously, we literally have a castle off the side of a highway. It's pretty stupid when you think about it. But I guess that's what makes this place unique.

-I love Christmas, but with every passing year it is rediculous how politically correct schools, businesses, and people in general are trying to be about the whole "Holiday Season." Let me give you an example: I was listening to the radio the other day, when a commercial came on for the Kentucky Lottery. They were doing their own version of The 12 Days of Christmas, which is all fine and dandy, except that instead of saying "On the first day of Christmas....." they said "On the first day of the season......". I must confess, I was a little upset when I heard this. I don't have too much of a problem with businesses advertising "Holiday Sales" or people saying "Happy Holidays": I think it is stupid, but I tolerate it. But when you change the words of Christmas carol, that is crossing the line. What's next? O Holiday Evergreen? White Holiday? The Agnostic Overweight Man Dressed In A Red Suit Who Gives Out Presents Is Coming To Town?

-Apparently, there are a lot of good vibes around campus involving the possible reinstatement of Randolph Morris.

-Anybody remember that song Brass Monkey by the Beastie Boys?

-I learned tonight that Porter College has been invited to join Highview College on a ski trip next month. Will I go? Maybe. I have never skiied (sp?) in my life; sliding down a snow/ice covered mountain on a couple pieces of fiberglass does not sound that appealing to me. I envision myslef pulling a Sunny Bono and slamming into a tree at 45 mph. Personally, I think I would opt for the snowboard over the tradtional skis, even though many have told me it is more difficult. To that I say, they are both difficult to someone who has never done either of them. Plus, snowboards are just cooler than skis. But we will will at least be fun to hang out.

-In concluding tonight's post, I must return to my first point about the Versailles Castle. Here is my thought: the ladies who live down on Kaslte Rd. like to call their house "The Kaslte" right? And I, as you all probably know by now, am vehemently opposed to this. But hear this.....what if they moved to the castle on Versialles Road? Then you could really call you house "The Castle." Cause it would actually be a castle and not a "Kastle". It's a win-win situation for everyone: more room for everybody, you get to live in a castle, and I will gladly call your humble abode "The Castle". It just makes sense.


At 12/08/2005 12:45:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

"brass monkey... that funky monkey... brass monkey... junkie... that funky monkey"

yeah, i remember it. as i recall it was some sort of reference to drinking.

At 12/08/2005 01:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave beat me to it.

At 12/08/2005 02:07:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/08/2005 03:25:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

You are wrong, Tapp. There is no longer interest there. But nonetheless, your comment had to be punished.

At 12/08/2005 08:21:00 PM, Blogger Justin said...

morris is gone for the season so those vibes were for naught...skiing is for the birds (to use a smitty phrase)

At 12/08/2005 09:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so is morris.

At 12/08/2005 10:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember when we used to talk about getting torches and storming the castle one night while someone else would videotape the whole thing so we'd have proof of the event/evidence to later incriminate ourselves with. That was awesome.

At 12/08/2005 10:43:00 PM, Blogger ahenard said...

I have a blog now!

At 12/09/2005 12:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

skiing can actually be really fun. Just remember to go slow and move almost lateraly down the hill... not straight down. This decreases the speed and gives you more control. Good luck!

At 12/09/2005 01:40:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

Aw, c'mon... I had a great comment. No one would have known.

At 12/10/2005 11:37:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, Wes Cooper proves to be the undisputed king of censorship.

At 12/10/2005 11:51:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

I only censor for my own's not because I disagree with people.

At 12/11/2005 04:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

which of course makes it 'good' censorship, as opposed to that baaaad censorship.


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