Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The times, they are a changin'...

Ever since school has started back up I've been thinking back on the past summer. Without question, one fo the worst summers ever. But why? Besides the fact that nothing exciting really happened, I can't quite put my finger on what the problem was. Then someone brought it to my attention that I am getting older, and that the things that I once found fun now bore me. This is somewhat true. I don't enjoy staying out late anymore. Large groups of people bother me. There are many things that I recall enjoying in past years that I try to avoid now.

So what's the deal? Part of it is that I have changed. I don't know how or why, but I have. I am not the same as I was at the beginning of college. This is what is supposed to happen, I assume. And it's not that I don't like it, but it takes some getting used to. I have found that little things bring me joy these days, which was not necessarily the case in the past. I have turned my attention to other things, some of which are more serious and important than others, while still holding on to other things that I have always enjoyed.

I guess my point is that while this summer really did suck, it is not because things are getting worse, it's just because things are changing, both in me and around me. However, with all that said, there were still some highlights (few though they may be) from the summer, which, of course, we must look back to....

First lets look at the top movies I saw this summer:

-Garden State: I really liked this movie, I love Zach Braff, and he did a brilliant job both directing and acting in this film.
-Hotel Rwanda: A must see.
-Batman Begins: The best Batman movie to date. I don't really care for the superhero genre of film, however Batman is tight because he doesn't ave any special powers. He just runs around beating up criminals for fun.
-Star Wars Episode III: G. Lucas finally got it right and, despite the bad acting, this was a fantastic movie.

-Biggest disapointment: War of the Worlds: Spielberg took a good book and ruined it.

Moving on, some of the better moments/activites of the summer....

-Trip to SC to see Dave. That was a blast.

-Law & Order: SVU and Scrubs with the Morg.

-Perhaps the funniest thing that occured all summer was when Dustin, Chris and I decided it would be fun prank call people using the Dr. Phil soundboard we found on-line.


-Softball. It's not about wins or losses, it's about the WebGems.

-There was that time I got to haul a buch of heavy rocks out of the sinkhole in my backyard. That was fun.

-There was that time that Jeff and I got poison ivy. That was awesome.

-My brother saw a UFO. Ask him about it sometime.

Not much else comes to mind at the moment. If you've got anything else, please feel free to share. As for me, I'm gonna go eat lunch now, because I'm hungry.


At 9/20/2005 03:07:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I figured out what was flying at midnight in the middle of WOFO county. They do have aircrafts in the army that look like UFO's and they are being tested apparently around our area. It was fun while it lasted though. Mystery solved!!

At 9/20/2005 04:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you're catching the "Matt Woodyard bug" of growing older...but just wait till you hit Matt's age, then you'll KNOW you're old!! On a side note, I am quite pleased to know that you enjoy L&O:SVU just as much as I do, AND that you like Josh Groban. What a fantastic fellow you are! On the other hand, you DID drop out of my husband's class, which made him very, very sad!!!! Love reading your blog.

At 9/20/2005 05:53:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

Dang, she just dissed on Matt.

You'll need to keep me posted on what happens on SVU. I won't get to watch it because of my 9pm bedtime, and because it'll probably be censored by my wife. You should start another blog dedicated to Stabler. On the previews it looks like he snaps, but who knows.

At 9/20/2005 07:39:00 PM, Blogger d blake said...

the highlight of my summer was definitely when the fellas from Lexington came to visit and we went to the beach. i had a great time.

At 9/20/2005 08:42:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FATZ CAFE!!! that restaurant made my summer worthwhile!

At 9/21/2005 08:26:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jtapp - don't worry, matt knows i love him.


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