Saturday, June 17, 2006


I spilled an M&M Blizzard in my car tonight. It was my fault. I was on the phone and and the cup was too big for the cupholder. But surprisingly I didn't get upset. I've come to realize that bad things happen to me while I am on the phone while in the car. Things get spilled. Exits get missed. I get lost. Pedestrians get hit. But I refuse to wear one of those little headphones because...well...I just do.

I dropped my phone today. It was my fault. I tried to carry too much at one time and my phone slipped out of my hand and fell down the stairs. Thats officialy the 3rd time thats happened with this phone. But surprisingly I didn't get upset. I've come to realize that bad things happen when I try to carry too much stuff at one time. Things get dropped. I run into a wall. I fall down the stairs. Pedestrians get hit. But I refuse to carry smaller loads, because...well...I just do.

I made myself sick today. It was my fault. I played soccer in the heat for an hour and then drank Coke instead of water. But suprisingly I didn't get upset. I've come to realize that bad things happen when I drink too much Coke. I get sick. My teeth get sugary. I can't go to sleep. Pedestrians get hit. But I refuse to stop drinking Coke because...well...I just do.

I overslept today. It was my fault. I stayed up too late last night wathcing a movie at the Bailey's. But suprisingly I'm not upset. I've come to realize that bad things happen when I oversleep. I feel guilty. Final exams get missed. Pedestrians get hit. But I refuse to stop oversleeping because...well...I just do.

I wrote a stupid blog post today. It was my fault. I had too much on my mind and couldn't got to sleep so I just started writing. But surprisingly I'm not upset. I've come to realize that bad things happen when I write posts that make no sense. Readers get confused. People don't get work done because they are too busy reading it. Pedestrians get hit. But I refuse to stop writing stupid posts becuase...well...we all need to take a step back sometimes and realize that maybe we don't have to be so serious all the time.


At 6/18/2006 10:39:00 AM, Blogger CatFish said...


At 6/18/2006 02:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have gotten a red card...

At 6/19/2006 01:49:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the unified theme throughout the post.

Hey - Is advertising allowed on this site? Or will I get a red card for that too?

At 6/22/2006 05:35:00 PM, Blogger JTapp said...

Hey, what happened to your post about the hairdresser?? Poser!!


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