Wednesday, June 07, 2006

On The Window

Be forewarned, this post might not make sense to you. But if you understand me then you will understand the post....

I've been on both sides of the window.

I've been on the outside looking in, watching all the people inside having a good time. I wasn't necessarily unhappy about being outside, but being inside always looked better than the outside. The people inside always looked like they were having just a little bit more fun. And although we may never admit it, or even really want it that bad, there always that hidden desire to be on the inside.

I've also been on the inside looking out. I've stared out the window at the people on the outside, watching them go to and fro. Some people stare back at me through the window, the expressions on their faces saying "Notice me, please notice me". I stare back at them, knowing that I shoul do something, but most of the time never making a move, and closing the blinds so I don't have to think about it. Then there are some people who just pace back and forth, glancing quickly at the window as they pass, pretending that they don't care what's going on inside, but really wishing that they too would be noticed. And although I see them, I once again fail to act, choosing instead to walk away from the window.

There is a major problem here. Neither side of the window seems to satisfy. Those on the outside look anxiously on the inside, hoping and praying for the door to open and for someone to invite them in. But once that invitation comes at last and they are inside, and they look out the window and see what it's like to be on the inside looking out to where they once stood not so long ago, then all of the sudden it all starts to make sense. But with that understanding comes pressure, responsibilty, and other things that weren't expected. And oftentimes that can make someone want to be outside again.

I really don't know how to fix the problem. I don't know that it can be fixed. I've tried leaving the door open for all to come in. I've tried meeting them out in the yard. Both have their snares and pitfalls that always seem to backfire. It baffles me. Human nature always seems to screw something up one side or the other.

I don't want to be on either side of the window. I hate that there even has to be a window. I hate looking through it. I want to be on the roof. Or in the backyard. I don't want things to be confined to one place,which is the case most of the time. So why is it so hard for that to change?


At 6/08/2006 12:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6/08/2006 12:49:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the only problem comes is when we are unable to go back outside and stay for the sake of those out there. we like the inside, so we stay because our pity does not overcome our selfishness.

At 6/08/2006 09:16:00 AM, Blogger Jon Canler said...

I like the use of a window, because that is how I often find myself now. I see myself looking through it at others while failing to act. However, I want to see it as a revolving door that never stops turning. I want to be one that can look out the window then go through the door to anxiously greet them at the curb such that I can take them to the foyer of the Grand Hotel, like a bell boy. You bring them in, show them the greatness of what is inside, show them their room, and get them settled in one at a time. Then, you go back to the next stranger sitting on the street waiting to be brought in to see the luxuriousness of the Grand Hotel. We can't just sit on one side of the window. We've got to willingly go through the door, back and forth, bringing and welcomming and introducing others to what is truly on the other side of the door, only to be willing to go back for more no matter how hard or uncomfortable the task may always be.

At 6/08/2006 09:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright well I want to tear down the building and eliminate the walls, doors and windows so there doesn't have to be an "inside" and an "outside". What about the people who prefer the outside...who ignore the invitation...?? Maybe I don't understand the metaphor, or explaination...and at the risk of sounding selfish - something has to be included about the people who just won't step foot inside the Grand Hotel...who just won't come through the door, or who walk away when you come outside...that isn't at the fault of the bell boy, door-opener, etc. I agree the door should ALWAYS be open, with signs saying "PARTY HERE" but you cannot MAKE people (want to) come in.

At 6/08/2006 11:16:00 AM, Blogger CatFish said...

Perhaps we should all stop worrying with where we are and where we are going and where we should be long enough to enjoy the view we have now.

At 6/08/2006 12:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I thought about it, here is the view that I think we should have....and it is found in Scripture, of course. 1 Corinthians chapter 13. When our hearts look like that, when we have reached that level, THEN maybe we can wonder why people on either side act the way that they do. Is the way we feel about people on either side patient, is it kind, are we seeking our own on either side?

But I have the feeling that once we are there, we either won't care about the window or it won't be there.

At 6/09/2006 09:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

break the window

At 6/09/2006 10:37:00 AM, Blogger Jon Canler said...

I think metaphors are interesting, but I'm never too good at figuring them out. Usually they can be taken multiple ways, and I nomrally miss the correct intention. So, I'm just gonna say this.
John 13:34-35 says,"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this(love), people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
I think this, as well as 1 Cor. 13, tells us what do to. We are to love. If people don't want to accept, that is fine. But know that the invitation of Christ through love will be presented and offered time and time again. If God gives weight to our words such that people want to know Him and be plugged in, that is awesome. Know that they too will be loved.
Our job is to love and nothing more. God will do the changing, the growing, etc. We love and the response is up to God. And in whatever He decides, blessed be His name. Just know that love, sacrifice, and a willingness to go out of our way at all costs should be our attitude.

At 6/09/2006 12:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

didn't chandler break a window downstairs w/ a volleyball?

At 6/13/2006 12:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a thought that may add or subtract from the conversation. I read a bumper sticker that once said, "You laugh at me because I am different. I laugh at you because you are all the same." Any thoughts?

At 6/13/2006 12:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually on that note kenneth nate and i always are amused by folks who claim to dress 'alternative' (i.e. gothic), because they want to look different. yet they all look the same to us!

At 6/13/2006 03:35:00 PM, Blogger Wes said...

Everyone wants to be able to identify with someone or something whether they will admit or not. Even those who don't want to be "mainstream" or part of the popular crowd seek at least one other person or idea that they can conform to because no one wants to be completely different and completely isolated from the rest of society. No man is an island.


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