Tuesday, September 06, 2005


So I'm sitting in my Brain and Behavior class today near the back when a couple walks in together and sits directly in front of me. They then immmediately proceed to touch all over each other in a manner that is just unnecessary in the classroom, or in public in general. Eveb after class had started, one of them was touching the other in some manner the rest of the class.

I can't tell you how much this annoys me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against touching or showing affection or anyhting of that nature. But I don't want to see other people all over each other 2 feet in front of me in a room with an air temperature of about 85 degrees. As this went on in front of me, I began to think "If only Tyler Yeary were here". He would put a quick stop to it with a line like "Excuse me, but do you two think you could ease down to a mild grope?"

So to all to whom this applies, let's keep the excessive petting, rubbing, laying in your partners lap, etc. in public to a minumum.


At 9/08/2005 07:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet I can get insurance from your blog readers Wes.


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